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McLanachan Transport – A fleet to be proud of

At McLanachan Transport (MTL), we have always recognised the importance of investing in our brand and vehicle fleet.

With logistics support operations covering the UK and Europe, we have consistently taken pride in providing our drivers with best-in-class vehicles, with the facilities and technology to ensure every journey is productive, safe, and comfortable. As we expand on our fleet, every vehicle has MTL brand livery applied, allowing us to stand out for all the right reasons.

4 vehicles coming off ferry


As the core of our business, we want our drivers to take pride in the vehicle they drive by ensuring they have the right equipment, envied by their fellow drivers throughout Europe. It’s no coincidence that we regularly receive comments from other drivers and road users playing ‘Spot the MTL vehicle’ around the quality of our fleet.

Recently, Mauritz A. Kaan, who has known MTL for many years, kindly contacted us to inform us that he had spotted four of our vehicles arriving at Port of IJmuiden, North Holland, and commenting how impressive they looked. The Port of IJmuiden is a regular connecting route for MTL, located at the North Sea Canal area entrance.

The port provides round-the-clock access, and it has a reputation for the storage and transhipment of fresh and deep-frozen fish, offshore activities, ferry and cruise shipping, and the assembly and construction of offshore assets.

It’s no coincidence that we located our European warehouse hub close to The Port of Ijmuiden, the perfect location for onward transport throughout Europe.

It's great when people recognise our vehicles and acknowledge our continued investment to build fleet assets that add value for our customers' consignments. We also understand the importance of providing drivers with quality vehicles to make their journeys less arduous.

It was great that Mauritz took the time to photograph the vehicles and email us. We'd love to hear from anyone else who has spotted and photographed the MTL fleet on their journeys. Let us know at

You can read more about our European Warehousing by visiting: European Warehousing Solutions page.